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About us

Our church is very intimate and family centered. Our desire is every service builds a strong victorious relationship with our Lord Jesus. We believe in stirring up God's spiritual gifts, ultimately to learn how to walk in God's love. God's word is always presented with the power of the Holy Spirit with grace and love to hear the word to evaluate our faith. Also, worship is such an amazing time in the presence of God, everything is to the glory of God.


We believe in the gifts of the spirit and helping people reach the full potential of their God given gifts. We believe that there are many members with differing gifts and that we are all called to fulfill our place in the body of Christ. We believe we are all one in Christ so that we are joined and knit together in love. We believe that we are our brother and sister's keeper so that the best we can be helps our brethren to be the best they can be. As a close knit congregation we enjoy a meal together every Sunday. It's a taste of the early church recording in the book of Acts.


Please come and visit. You will be met with open arms and love. Thank you from Centered in Christ Ministries, the whole family, Pastor Dave and my wife Melissa. May God's blessing be upon you all.

our contributors
Pastor Dave

Lead Pastor

Mark Moulin

Musical Director



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